If project import in Talend Open Studio isn’t working for you, you will find help in this article.
Accompanying video
Some of the steps here are taken out of context. For the full overview of import, you can (re)watch this video:
Steps to solve
In most cases, errors are not a bug, but can be easily solved.
Here are the points you should check:
1. Talend Version: Make sure you are using Talend Open Studio version 8:

2. Java Version: You may have multiple versions of Java installed on your computer.
For Talend, you should use Java 11. You can download Java 11 from azul.com/downloads.
Just unpack the archive. Then you can specify the path to this Java version.
On Windows, for example, you use this executable file: TOS_BD-win-x86_64.exe
There is an ini file with the same name: TOS_BD-win-x86_64.ini

Open the ini file in a text editor, such as Notepad.
Insert these two lines at the beginning:
-vm C:\zulu11.74.15-ca-jdk11.0.24-win_x64\bin
Make sure you specify your individual path to Java 11.
These two lines must be at the beginning of the file exactly as they are.
Leave the rest of the file unchanged!

3. Import option: You can use File – Import in Talend Open Studio, but it won’t work!
Make sure you use Import an existing project:

You get there by selecting the menu File – Switch project or workspace in the Studio:

4. Import format: When importing TalendBasicsProjectExport.zip
you must use Select archive file.

The option Select root directory is wrong!
Learn More: Complete Talend Course
If want to do more things like this and integrate your data esaily with Talend Open Studio, go to my Udemy Course.
This is a comprehensive training for using Talend to build data integration jobs, not only for Data Warehouses.
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