Quick Tipp: What exactly is the match model in tMap?

When you do a join in tMap, you can define a Match Model.

It has different options:

tMap options for the match model
tMap options for the match model

Have you wondered what they mean?

Here is a short, but complete explanation for each of them:

Option “Unique Match”:

  • works with inner join & left outer join
  • default selection
  • only last match passed on to output = other matches will be ignored

Option “First Match”:

  • works with inner join & left outer join
  • implies multiple matches expected in lookup
  • only first match passed on to output = other matches will be ignored

Option “All Matches”:

  • works with inner join & left outer join
  • implies multiple matches expected in lookup
  • all matches passed on to output = no matches ignored

Option “All Rows”:

  • does not work with explicits join (inner join & left outer join)
  • creates a cross join between main input and lookup(s)

See tMap Match Model in Action

Please refer to this video for an example.

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